Servomotors: Servomotors are direct current devices that have the ability to control speed and stay in a fixed position depending on the needs of our machine, this device regulates its speed because it does not depend on its movement of looped contacts. Its regulation capacity is given by a controller called Servo Drive.

Step motors: Step motors are motors whose main function is to control the rotor without a closed power circuit, since the connection loop is open. Step motors are of two different types, on the one hand the variable reluctance motors , this type of motor has stators that receive the current and a rotor that redirects the contacts to create a continuous current flow (medium step) with small pauses and partial contacts that allow a constant current flow. There is also the possibility of the Hybrid stepping motor being a stepping motor that has many more teeth on its connecting loop. This allows greater contact and stability of the connections. 

In cutting plotters: Having a Servomotor system will give us greater speed when doing our jobs, it can be used for low precision contours but in mass production cuts. In the case of stepper motors, although its speed is limited given its physical characteristics, it is useful for highly detailed designs, ideal for detailed stencils.